This header file contains common definitions and procedures. 这个头文件包含共用的定义和过程。
In a Solaris build, a precompiled header file is searched for when# include is in the compilation. 在Solaris中进行编译时,当碰到include时,将搜索预编译头文件。
You might have noticed that we made the printTicket() method virtual when it was declared in the header file. 您可能已经注意到我们在头文件中声明printTicket()方法时把它声明成了一个虚方法。
Therefore, the header file should include the prototype of the function and also a dummy function definition. 因此,头文件应该包含函数的原型和一个虚拟的函数定义。
So, in Visual Studio we create a win32 dll project, and insert the header file above. 因此,在VisualStudio中,我们创建了一个win32dll项目,并在其中插入了上面的头文件。
The resulting header file contains macros that you can place into your code to insert the probes. 产生的头文件包含宏,可以通过在代码中放置这些宏插入探测。
This header file should ideally contain all the class definitions, member functions, and variables. 在理想情况下,头文件应该包含所有类定义、成员函数和变量。
It is the header file for a Web service. 它是用于Web服务的头文件。
No header file need be included for this support. 实现这一支持不需要包含头文件。
This section explains how to compose a header file and how to include it in Vue script. 本节解释如何编写头文件以及如何在Vue脚本中包含它。
This will update Xcode's meta data for the file to treat it as a C header file. 这会更新文件的Xcode元数据,把它作为C头文件处理。
This tool will parse a header file and generate a rough definitions file. 该工具将解析头文件并生成粗略的定义文件。
This is done by writing the prototypes in a header file. 可以在头文件中编写原型。
The header file we create here will be used by a client application to understand the available service interface. 我们在此处创建的头文件将由客户机应用程序用于解释可用的服务接口。
All you have to include in your own programs is the so-called header file. 你们自己写的程序只需要包括,头文件就可以了。
So that's why I've included that header file. 这就是我包含那个头文件的原因。
TCHAR and other relevant macros are defined in the WinNT. h header file. TCHAR以及其他的相应的宏在头文件WinNT.h中有定义。
Cannot import the specified header file. 无法导入指定的头文件。
Causes the preprocessor to process the specified header file. 此选项使预处理器处理指定的头文件。
Browse for the header file to insert the class declaration. 浏览头文件以便插入类声明。
To manage warning state, list all code analysis warnings in a separate header file. 若要管理警告状态,请在单独的头文件中列出所有代码分析警告。
Malloc It's defined in a header file just FYI called standard lib. 是一个新的函数。,So,,malloc,is,a,new,function。,在头文件中定义了标准库作为参考。
Enter a name for the property page class header file; should match the class name. 输入属性页类的头文件的名称;名称应与类名匹配。
Enter a header file name for the control class; should match the class name. 输入控件类的头文件名;头文件名应与类名匹配。
Usage of each function is described in detail in the header file comments. 在头文件注释中详细介绍了每一函数的用法。
The header file defines function objects and function adapters. 头文件定义了函数对象和函数适配器。
CRT uses an additional header file to define generic character macros: "tchar. h". CRT用了一个额外的头文件“tchar.h”来实现这种泛型技术。
Generate both the definition and declaration of the class in the header file. 在头文件中同时生成类的定义和声明。
Include the header file in the source file. 将头文件包括在源文件中。